General Planning Information of Architectural Regulations
1.0 Introduction
Theses Design Standards for the City of Jackson represent regulations mandated by the City’s Development Code to ensure the following goals are met:
1. High quality neighborhoods and commercial centers
2. Sensitivity to the city’s unique character
3. Compatibility with the surrounding structures/neighborhood while incorporating the Mother Lode style
4. Sensitivity to the natural environment
1.1 Background
With the proliferation of chain and franchise businesses and“cookie cutter” homes throughout the country, cities have lost much of their individual character. The city of Jackson is attempting to preserve its image of a simpler time. Jackson contains a diversity of architectural styles representing its history. This rich architectural heritage enhance the City and provides a strong sense of place. The City’s goal is
to reflect this heritage in all of its future development or remodeling by utilizing the Design Standards through compatibility and taking into consideration of the existing sense of scale.
1.2 Approach
All projects have unique attributes with regard to where they are located and how they relate to the surroundings. In all cases, the following basic principles apply:
1. Keep it simple
2. Keep it Scale
3. Respect all historic resources
4. Make all new design compatible with its existing context
5. Follow all applicable design standards
1.3 Applicability
These Design Standards will be used by the City in determining the appropriateness of proposed improvements to all structures, both historic and contemporary, new construction, including new subdivisions, multi-family structures, historic commercial, and highway commercial. The following are among the types of work to be reviewed:
1. Alteration to the exterior of an existing structure
2. Repair of exterior features on an existing structure
3. New construction
4. Addition to the exterior of an existing structure
5. Moving an existing structure
6. Demolition of an existing structure
In addition to the general standards, special standard are included in this document which regulate design
for more sensitive, historical designated areas of the City of Jackson.
The review authority may interpret these design standards with some flexibility in their application to specific projects, as not all design criteria may be workable/appropriate for each project. In some circumstances, one standard may be subordinated to facilitate compliance with another standard which may be determined by the review authority to be more important in that particular case. The overall objective is to ensure that the intent and spirit of the design standards are followed.
1.4 Review Process
All applicable projects will undergo some level of design review.
1.4.1 Review Authority
There are two different review bodies in Jackson. The Site Plan Review Committee and the Design Review
Committee. The Site Plan Review Committee is comprised of the City Planner, City Engineer, and City Building Inspector. Any project located outside of the Historic Commercial Zone, the Historic Corridor, or is not a new subdivision, will be reviewed by SPRC for consistency with these design standards. Any decisions made by the SPRC may be appealed to the Planning Commissions. The SPRC may also forward any project that the committee deems to have potential impact to resources that have community significance, are historic, or scenic to the design review committee.
The Design Review Committee is appointed by the City Council and is made up of the design and construction
professionals from the community and interested City of Jackson residents. DRC is responsible for reviewing
projects located in the Historic Commercial Zone, the Historic Corridor, new subdivisions, and any projects that the Site Plan Review Committee determines is in need of the DRC consideration. Any decision made by the DRC may also be apealed to the Planning Commission.
For a project to be reviewed by either the SPRC or DRC, an application must be submitted to and
deemed complete by the City Planner. The City Planner will then call a meeting of the SPRC or DRC within 30
days. The applicant and any interested members of the public will be notified of the meeting.
For a project to be reviewed by the DRC, notice of the meeting will be posted on the City’s website as well
as on the subject structure or lot 72 hours prior to the meeting
The DRC may make recommended changes which may be written up and forwarded to the Building Dept. to ensure compliance during permit processing or the applicant may be asked to make the recommended changes and present the revised application at a future DRC meeting. Project deemed acceptable by the DRC will be forwarded to the Building Dept. for permit processing. The decisions for the DRC may be
appealed to the Planning Commission by the applicant, staff, or any member of the public.
For more information on the General Plan and Planning information for the City of Jackson Click here.
1.0 Introduction
Theses Design Standards for the City of Jackson represent regulations mandated by the City’s Development Code to ensure the following goals are met:
1. High quality neighborhoods and commercial centers
2. Sensitivity to the city’s unique character
3. Compatibility with the surrounding structures/neighborhood while incorporating the Mother Lode style
4. Sensitivity to the natural environment
1.1 Background
With the proliferation of chain and franchise businesses and“cookie cutter” homes throughout the country, cities have lost much of their individual character. The city of Jackson is attempting to preserve its image of a simpler time. Jackson contains a diversity of architectural styles representing its history. This rich architectural heritage enhance the City and provides a strong sense of place. The City’s goal is
to reflect this heritage in all of its future development or remodeling by utilizing the Design Standards through compatibility and taking into consideration of the existing sense of scale.
1.2 Approach
All projects have unique attributes with regard to where they are located and how they relate to the surroundings. In all cases, the following basic principles apply:
1. Keep it simple
2. Keep it Scale
3. Respect all historic resources
4. Make all new design compatible with its existing context
5. Follow all applicable design standards
1.3 Applicability
These Design Standards will be used by the City in determining the appropriateness of proposed improvements to all structures, both historic and contemporary, new construction, including new subdivisions, multi-family structures, historic commercial, and highway commercial. The following are among the types of work to be reviewed:
1. Alteration to the exterior of an existing structure
2. Repair of exterior features on an existing structure
3. New construction
4. Addition to the exterior of an existing structure
5. Moving an existing structure
6. Demolition of an existing structure
In addition to the general standards, special standard are included in this document which regulate design
for more sensitive, historical designated areas of the City of Jackson.
The review authority may interpret these design standards with some flexibility in their application to specific projects, as not all design criteria may be workable/appropriate for each project. In some circumstances, one standard may be subordinated to facilitate compliance with another standard which may be determined by the review authority to be more important in that particular case. The overall objective is to ensure that the intent and spirit of the design standards are followed.
1.4 Review Process
All applicable projects will undergo some level of design review.
1.4.1 Review Authority
There are two different review bodies in Jackson. The Site Plan Review Committee and the Design Review
Committee. The Site Plan Review Committee is comprised of the City Planner, City Engineer, and City Building Inspector. Any project located outside of the Historic Commercial Zone, the Historic Corridor, or is not a new subdivision, will be reviewed by SPRC for consistency with these design standards. Any decisions made by the SPRC may be appealed to the Planning Commissions. The SPRC may also forward any project that the committee deems to have potential impact to resources that have community significance, are historic, or scenic to the design review committee.
The Design Review Committee is appointed by the City Council and is made up of the design and construction
professionals from the community and interested City of Jackson residents. DRC is responsible for reviewing
projects located in the Historic Commercial Zone, the Historic Corridor, new subdivisions, and any projects that the Site Plan Review Committee determines is in need of the DRC consideration. Any decision made by the DRC may also be apealed to the Planning Commission.
For a project to be reviewed by either the SPRC or DRC, an application must be submitted to and
deemed complete by the City Planner. The City Planner will then call a meeting of the SPRC or DRC within 30
days. The applicant and any interested members of the public will be notified of the meeting.
For a project to be reviewed by the DRC, notice of the meeting will be posted on the City’s website as well
as on the subject structure or lot 72 hours prior to the meeting
The DRC may make recommended changes which may be written up and forwarded to the Building Dept. to ensure compliance during permit processing or the applicant may be asked to make the recommended changes and present the revised application at a future DRC meeting. Project deemed acceptable by the DRC will be forwarded to the Building Dept. for permit processing. The decisions for the DRC may be
appealed to the Planning Commission by the applicant, staff, or any member of the public.
For more information on the General Plan and Planning information for the City of Jackson Click here.